Platform Icons
Class | |
pi-{ icon name } | You get an icon |
You can add this class to any empty div. We hijack the deprecated <i>
which has become the standard in recent years.
<i class="pi-trophy"></i>
Remeber to add the proper aria-label when the icon is a decoration only aria-hidden="true"
- pi-angle-down-double
- pi-angle-down
- pi-angle-left
- pi-angle-right
- pi-angle-up
- pi-arrow-down
- pi-arrow-left
- pi-arrow-right
- pi-arrow-solid-down
- pi-arrow-solid-left
- pi-arrow-solid-right
- pi-arrow-solid-up
- pi-arrow-up
- pi-asg
- pi-asterisk
- pi-award
- pi-ban
- pi-bandaid
- pi-bank
- pi-bell-multi
- pi-bell
- pi-binoculars
- pi-bolt
- pi-bomb
- pi-book
- pi-books
- pi-building
- pi-bullhorn
- pi-calculator
- pi-calendar
- pi-chart-bar
- pi-chart-line-down
- pi-chart-line-up
- pi-chart-pie
- pi-check-circle-solid
- pi-check-circle
- pi-check-square-solid
- pi-check-square
- pi-check
- pi-circle-solid
- pi-circle
- pi-city
- pi-clipboard-file
- pi-clipboard
- pi-clock
- pi-cogs
- pi-coin
- pi-collapse
- pi-credit-card-back
- pi-dashboard
- pi-decision
- pi-dollar
- pi-download-cloud
- pi-download
- pi-ear
- pi-edit
- pi-envelope-solid
- pi-envelope
- pi-eye-line
- pi-eye
- pi-facebook-alt
- pi-facebook
- pi-file-add
- pi-file-attachment
- pi-file-award
- pi-file-cabinet
- pi-file-copy
- pi-file-form
- pi-file-image
- pi-file-pdf
- pi-file-sign
- pi-file-text-solid
- pi-file-text
- pi-filter
- pi-flag
- pi-folder-open
- pi-folder
- pi-full-screen
- pi-gavel
- pi-gear
- pi-globe
- pi-handshake
- pi-headset
- pi-help-solid
- pi-help
- pi-hospital-small
- pi-hospital
- pi-house
- pi-id-badge-alt
- pi-id-badge
- pi-info-solid
- pi-info
- pi-instagram
- pi-key
- pi-keyboard-key
- pi-keyboard
- pi-learn
- pi-light-bulb-off
- pi-light-bulb-on
- pi-link-external-small
- pi-link-external
- pi-link
- pi-linkedin
- pi-list-check
- pi-list
- pi-lock-open-solid
- pi-lock-open
- pi-lock-solid
- pi-lock
- pi-login
- pi-logout
- pi-magic-wand
- pi-magnet
- pi-map-marker
- pi-map
- pi-medicare-card
- pi-medicareful
- pi-menu
- pi-merge
- pi-minus
- pi-mouse-pointer
- pi-note-solid
- pi-note
- pi-paper-clip
- pi-paper-plane-solid
- pi-paper-plane
- pi-pause
- pi-pencil
- pi-phone-mobile
- pi-phone
- pi-pill-bottle-alt
- pi-pill-bottle-solid
- pi-pill-bottle
- pi-pills
- pi-pinterest
- pi-platform-ui
- pi-play-circle
- pi-play-monitor
- pi-play
- pi-plug
- pi-plus-circle-solid
- pi-plus-circle
- pi-plus
- pi-podbean
- pi-podcast
- pi-power-off
- pi-power-on
- pi-puzzle-piece
- pi-quill
- pi-radio-button
- pi-redo-clock
- pi-redo
- pi-rimdev-circle
- pi-rimdev
- pi-ritter-circle
- pi-ritter
- pi-rocket
- pi-rx
- pi-save
- pi-search
- pi-share
- pi-shield
- pi-signal-slash
- pi-speech-bubble-multi
- pi-speech-bubble
- pi-square-solid
- pi-square
- pi-star-half
- pi-star
- pi-stethoscope
- pi-suitcase-solid
- pi-suitecase
- pi-sync-clock
- pi-sync
- pi-tag
- pi-text
- pi-ticket
- pi-times-solid
- pi-times
- pi-touch
- pi-trash-solid
- pi-trash
- pi-trophy
- pi-twitter
- pi-universal-access
- pi-upload-cloud
- pi-upload
- pi-user-building
- pi-user-circle
- pi-user-doctor
- pi-user-solid
- pi-user-tie
- pi-user
- pi-users
- pi-variable
- pi-vertical-ellipsis
- pi-warning-circle
- pi-warning
- pi-window-new
- pi-youtube
- pi-printer
- pi-bookmark-solid
- pi-bookmark
- pi-heart-solid
- pi-heart
- pi-mastodon
- pi-shopping-bag
- pi-shopping-cart
- pi-x
Class | Result |
pi-{ xs, sm, lg, xl, xxl } | Alter the size of your icon from |
<i class="pi-rocket pi-xs"></i>
<i class="pi-rocket pi-sm"></i>
<i class="pi-rocket"></i>
<i class="pi-rocket pi-lg"></i>
<i class="pi-rocket pi-xl"></i>
<i class="pi-rocket pi-xxl"></i>