Third Parties
There are third party choices we’ve incorporated into Platform UI which are part of the compiled version only. If you choose to build Platform UI from source, you’ll need to consider the following.
The nature of browsers and their vendors often require a reset to normalize behavious for standard HTML tags, so we include Normalize.css as part of Platform UI’s build process.
If you’re using Platform UI in your own build process, you’ll need to include Normalize.css.
In the same spirit as Normalize.css, we also leverage Postcss and Autoprefixer to reduce browser inconsistencies.
If you’re using Platform UI in you’re own build process, you’ll need to include Postcss. Likewise, if you prefer greater browser support, you will have to build Platform UI from source.
Our current browser support settings:
"browserslist": [
"last 2 version",
"> 2%"